Sunset on the Mediterranean Sea

Sunset on the Mediterranean Sea
Sunset on the Mediterranean Sea

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Salzburg (these are a few of our favorite things)

Churches and castles and Mozart and gardens,

Horses that clop by and views of the mountains,

Scenes from the movie that pull at heart strings,

These are a few of our favorite things...

When the rain falls, when the temp drops,

when the exchange rate's bad,

We simply remember our favorite things,

and then the train out's not sad...

We came to Salzburg from Vienna for a quick visit-- just a day and a night. Mozart and the Sound of Music all packed into one day-- almost too much to absorb. The Salzburg Castle was a great walk and a great view, but not much inside. However, the one great thing in there was a fantastic Marionette museum-- the real deal. Handmade by Salzburg professors of marionette making (really).
We had a great time, then boarded the train for Innsbruck.

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