Sunset on the Mediterranean Sea

Sunset on the Mediterranean Sea
Sunset on the Mediterranean Sea

Sunday, November 7, 2010

A bit of Edinburgh

We took a nice train trip from Cambridge to Edinburgh this week-- we saw a lot of sheep and some pretty coastline on the way up.

Above is a street scene of the Royal Mile, which runs from the Palace and Parliament below up to Edinburgh Castle above (neither visible in this shot). Also Olivia considering a wool purchase.

Edinburgh is cool. A lot of heavy stone, statues, little alley ways, and hills. A lot of history-- political, religious, and philosophical. We paid respects to the likes of Robert the Bruce, Mary Queen of Scots, John Knox, David Hume, and Adam Smith. We found the people to be very nice. As expected, all kinds of choices in terms of scarves, kilts, and single malt scotch. Some highlights:

-- A wee tea shop tucked into the alley next to our hotel (they call an alley a "close," and they all have names). We stumbled in, and the older lady who ran the place was sweet and charming-- reminded Olivia of Mrs. Doubtfire. Her homemade jam and scones we're great.

--The Edinburgh Castle at night, with great torches lit in front.

-- The Holyrood Royal Palace, home to Mary Queen of Scots and still used by the Royal family today.

-- The ruins of an Augustinian Abbey behind the Royal palace. (Apparently Mendelssohn was so inspired by this spot that he wrote his Scottish symphony in reaction to it).

--Climbing up a mountain just next to the city-- Arthur's Seat (see Olivia's account below!).

-- A woolen mill (active)-- almost bought a kilt. Why didn't I? What was I thinking?

--Popped into St. Giles cathedral. Not really a cathedral, but the birthplace of Presbyterianism. Ran into a very proud Presbyterian in the church who gave us the whole history.

-- Very much enjoyed Princes Street and Rose Street-- great stores (like their wonderful department store Jenners, all decked out for Christmas), great pubs (most of which banned us-- no kids under 14 allowed. We were refused by about 10 places-- really-- until finally finding a bar that would take us. And that pub was the best pub of all the pubs).

-- Overall, just loved the feel of the place. Hope to get back. Also hope someday to get into the Highlands for some more extended hiking and touring.

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