Sunset on the Mediterranean Sea

Sunset on the Mediterranean Sea
Sunset on the Mediterranean Sea

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The British Museum

We ended up spending a whole day in the British Museum. Olivia will have a bit more to say about that shortly. One of our favorite exhibits was an ancient Minoan sculpture from Crete showing a small guy leaping over a bull, backwards and over the bull's horns. The commentary expressed doubt that this is physically possible. We disagree-- of course they could! Without TV and cell phones, they had nothing but time to practice. As the day went on, we found ourselves referring to it again and again. For example, "Wow, there a lot of stairs here. We're going to have legs 'like a Minoan bull jumper from Crete.'" Or: "Gosh, that's a big lunch. Who do you think you are, 'a Minoan bull jumper from Crete?'" Or yet again, when trying to get past the crowds of visitors, "What do I look like to you, 'a Minoan bull jumper from Crete?'" And so we leave you with the image of... a Minoan bull jumper from Crete.

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